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Heavenly Essence Qigong Level 1 Part II - Microcosmic Orbit Qigong 一部功 (2)“小周天速成法”
Welcome to your Qigong formal study of Heavenly Essence Qigong Level 1 Part II!!
By the end of this study, you will have learned the Accelerated Microcosmic Oribt Method
About the instructor: Dr. Liping Zhu, DAOM, L.Ac.
A Collection of Grandmaster Leading Gong Photos for visulization
Microcosmic Orbit Qigong Theories & Practice Methods
Lesson 1 - Background and Practice Method #1 Using the Sound to Open the Orbit (24:12)
Lesson 2 - Lecture of Benefits of Microcosmic Orbit
Lesson 3 - Lecture of Eight Success Factors (1-4)
Lesson 4 - Lecture of Eight Success Factors (5-8)
Lesson 5 - Practice Method #2 Nourishing Qi Method
Lesson 6 - Practice Method #3 Esoteric Method of Opening the Orbit for Others (7:26)
Lesson 7 - Q&A and Practice Method #4 Gathering Qi Method
Lesson 8 - Practice Method #5 (Ming Gong #9): Supplementary Method for Opening the Orbit (5:11)
Lesson 9 - Lecture of Why Accelerated Method?
Bonus Materials (Original Chinese Footage)
Bonus Material 补充资料: Video Footage of Grandmaster teaching Wu Huo Zhou Tian (in Chinese) (34:26)
Bonus Material 补充参考中文资料: Video/Music of Nourishing Qi Method (in Chinese) (46:01)
Bonus Material 补充参考中文资料: A video music for Using the Sound to Open the Orbit (in Chinese) (24:12)
Q&A for a thorough understanding of Microcosmic Orbit Method
Q&A 1 on Microcosmic Orbit Practice
Q&A 2 on Microcosmic Orbit Practice
Q&A 3 on Microcosmic Orbit Practice
Q&A 4 on Microcosmic Orbit Practice
Guided Practice Sessions by Dr. Liping Zhu
Microcosmic Orbit Meditation Session 1
Microcosmic Orbit Meditation Session 2
Microcosmic Orbit Meditation Session 3
Congratulations on your completion! Please take a multiple choice quiz and a brief questionnaire.
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Level 1 Part II Handout in English
Lesson 9 - Lecture of Why Accelerated Method?
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